Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holiday Card Ideas: Quotes, Expressions and Sayings

If you are thinking about sending out holiday cards this year, why not include a fun quote, saying or expression to make it interesting and memorable??

There are lots of funny quotes and memorable lines out there for you to use.Try some of these references:

First, check out this article for some references and web sites for general funny and amusing quotes and expressions for the holidays.

Next, if you are working with kids and are helping them make a fun holiday greeting card, read this article for ideas for holiday quotes for kids for your holiday cards.

Say you want some funny quotes for Thanksgiving? Well, knock yourself out because this article has some adorably funny and interesting quotes, sayings and expressions.

Some people speak Spanish in addition to English so if you are doing a holiday card for your multi-lingual friend, check out my article for quotes and expressions in English and Spanish.

Lastly, this popular article lists some of the best web sites for holiday quotations and expressions.

Take the time to write something memorably this season. Use a quote, expression or saying to liven up your holiday, Christmas and Thanksgiving greeting cards.

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